Welcome to Rising Above

Rising Above is a Christian organization whose mission is to support individuals who are struggling in cycles of defeat. It is a safe space for a 6-month residential treatment program based on H.E.L.P.S – Housing, Employment Training, Life Skills Classes, Personal Development and Spiritual Formation – all designed to help individuals become self-sufficient, contributing members of society.

Rising Above Peterborough recognizes and values, the contributions and benefits provided by existing health professionals, whether that is through counselling services, safe injection sites, health specialists or other government resourced programs aimed at helping those struggling with addiction. Our goal is to join in this effort to set people free; not to compete with existing services. We believe that a Christian Faith based approach has valuable resources to bring to the mix needed to address this complex issue. We realize that the Rising Above approach may not be wanted by all, nor work for all. Participants ultimately need to decide for themselves if this is an approach that is right for them. Rising Above, however, does bring something new of value to the array of options and we are excited to bring this program to Peterborough here.

Rising Above is one more resource that can be used to help bring a greater wholeness and freedom to those struggling with addiction. Our program is available to all who seek our services. There is no need for participants to have a Christian faith, nor is there an expectation for them to develop a faith in order to complete the program.

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